If ENS does not work for you, here are the things you can look at.
Review your ENS deployment https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Workspace-ONE-UEM/services/WS1_ENS2_Doc.pdf ENS is available in two mode: SaaS mode and On-premises. You don’t need to get ENS installed in case you go for SaaS mode. ENS On-premises requires you to have dedicated hardware and database server.
Make sure your firewall rules are right. https://ports.vmware.com/home/Workspace-ONE-Email-Notification-Service-2-for-On-Premises

ENS makes subscription to EWS for new email notification service. So please double check that you have open up firewall port to both Exchange CAS and mailbox (Bi-directional). If not firewall is not open properly, you will see everything ok and will not see any error in your log. The symptom of not opening firewall port to CAS and mailbox is not able to receive email notifications.
Make sure you have the right TLS 1.2 enabled on your Exchange serve to get connected to ENSsuccessfully. (SaaS only) https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/81954

Please note that is is possible to have SEG as a proxy to allow ENS to connect to EWS. However, the outbound traffics from CAS/MBX (EWS) to ENS cannot go through SEG as SEG does not act as a reverse proxy.

In most of the cases, ENS should work properly if we see the following configurations in Boxer log. 1. ENS settings (ENS token, ENS URL, EWS URL) 2. ENS Health Metrics 3. EWS registration

If you don’t see “[EWS] Successfully fetch categories for an account”, it is chance that the EWS setup is not right . One of the reasons could be the firewall mentioned earlier in this article.

Please also inspect the EWS server Windows Event log. You might see similar error in case of sending error.

If you see Boxer is able to get notification but fail to get email synchronized, it is probably another firewall issue. This is what you see in box log in success and fail case

Boxer ENS config sample
