A 10 minute video showcase WSO Intelligence and Carbon Black integration in action.
In the demo, you will see how
Carbon Black detects a Windows PC is under attack. [2:45]
A warning message is sent to IT. [3:25]
Attacked PC is under quarantine. PC is isolated and it is only allowed to connect to Carbon Black Cloud. Remote desktop to the affected PC is stopped. [3:50]
IT investigates the incident on Carbon Black console. [4:07]
IT remote accesses from Carbon Black console to the affected PC and taking remediation action. [5:50]
WSO UEM marks the PC as quarantine. [6:19]
Show how WSO Intelligence automates the whole process and links up CB and UEM. [6:40]
Once the affected PC is remediated, quarantine is removed from CB console. [7:55]
The PC is now back to its original state. Remote desktop to the PC is allowed again as network is now open up like before. [8:00]
