Don’t want to miss your important meeting? You can have a Boxer Calendar Widget on your Home Screen so you are always on top of your busy schedule. This feature is available on both iOS and Android.

You can quickly click on a Widget to open an event. If it is an online meeting, Boxer will allow you to launch your meeting by “one-click” quick access. You won’t have to look for the meeting link as it is shown with a eye catching icon. Pressing the icon will take you to the meeting app to join a meeting automatically.

Please see how easy you can get to join a online meeting with a few clicks.
There are three widget styles for you to choose from. Please see this demo video.
A KVP “PolicyAllowCalendarWidget” is required to added to Application Configuration to enable the widget on iOS.

For Android, please enable it using App Policies. There is a toggle button to allow or stop calendar widget.
